Thursday, May 1, 2008


I just had to share what Hayden said on the way home today from picking up Ava. We drove by the cemetary where Gabriel, Elliot, and Miles are at. You never really know how much your children are listening or taking in things. So, when we drove by Hayden said so innocently, "That's where Gabriel, Elliot, and Miles are." It was so precious. He also said, "That's where we go to let balloons go." I definitely had tears in my eyes.

On a happy note, I am almost done with this semester! Yeah!!!!!! I just have next week and then two finals. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Oh yes, you probably have noticed I changed (well, actually Megan did it for me. Thank you, Megan) my template. I thought it needed a change for the Spring/Summer.
Hope everyone is having a great day!


Meg said...

Yea, how'd you like just changing it? Haha! I had to put in ALL that stuff again! ugh! I'll ttyl....

Nichole said...

That is so sweet! (Tears)