Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Done and Done!!!!!!

I am officially finished with my Senior 1 semester!!!!!! I had my last final this morning. I won't know what I got on it until Friday. That makes me really anxious. Although, whatever grade I get won't effect my grade. I will end up with a "B" in the class. Which is pretty good considering a lot of people were hoping for a "C." I only have one more semester left. I will graduate on December 13!!! Believe me it is already on my calendar. In a couple of weeks I start my externship in the NICU. I really am praying that is where I want to work. I won't know until I start working in there. I just hope it isn't too emotional for me. I think I will be fine but you never know.

We are hoping there is no rain this afternoon. Brian wasn't able to work on the playset last night due to the rain. The kids are getting antsy to play on it. Here's to good weather!!!!


Meg said...

Oh I am so happy!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,
Congratulations! I am proud of you. Love, Dad/Opa