Monday, November 3, 2008

In Celebration of......

Gabriel Paul Snyder. Today is the anniversay of our first son's birth and going home to Jesus. It has been five years and it still feels like it happened today. Most of you know that I was pregnant with quintuplets (five babies). I was admitted into the hospital on October 18 because my water had broke. I held on for two weeks and then on Nov. 3, Gabriel decided to be born. I had stood up and felt my cervix open/close. I made it back to my bed and screamed for a nurse. She came and checked me and told me to move my leg. I was petrified because I knew in my heart it was a baby. Unfortunately I was right. Gabriel was born. It was in the middle of the night so Brian was not with me. One of the nurses called him and he rushed to the hospital. Gabriel was alive (he had a heart beat) but because he was only 20 weeks he was not viable for them to do any interventions. So we got to hold him while he left the earth and went to heaven. I remember just sobbing. My heart hurt so bad. I had never felt that kind of sadness before. A couple days later we had a small memorial in my hospital room because I was still pregnant with four babies. So, I was going no where! Brian's dad did the memorial and it was perfect. I debated about putting a picture up of Gabriel because this is such a personal thing but I decided to share our precious Gabriel with you. This morning we went and did our ritual of going to get balloons and then going to the gravesite so we could let them go.


Jill Foley said...

Thank you for sharing this with us! May God bring you comfort and peace today...and in the next couple weeks as you remember Elliot, too.

Matt and Katie said...

oh Robin...I too feel like that just happened to you. I will be thinking of you all today. Try to enjoy this beautiful day God has given you!

Anonymous said...

Robin and Brian,
I remeber too that sad day and how Gabrielle touced our lives. What a blessing he was to us all. Praying it will be a beautiful day for you as you remember your precious little son.
hugs and Love
Emmie and Keith

Robin said...

Thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers! God is good!